Learn about our Corporate Social Responsibility policy and all the activities we carry out throughout the year to improve the environment and surroundings.
Variis Investments considers Corporate Social Responsibility a differentiating element of business excellence with respect to the relationship of the company itself with its workers and with its social environment. Our CSR policy is based on the aspects described below and to achieve these objectives, Variis Investments will allocate as many material and human resources as necessary.
Jorge Delgado
General Manager
In a systematic way, our company seeks to promote a healthy and productive work environment that channels the potential and creativity of each one of us while promoting collaboration and teamwork. We have the right to enjoy a work environment where fundamental human rights are respected. To this end, our company gives high priority to:
It is the responsibility of our management team to foster an environment of mutual respect and to comply with the laws, regulations, policies and regulations of the countries in which we operate.
They are also commitments of Variis Investments to provide training opportunities and professional development, grant recognition, promote open communication and the appropriate channels for effective feedback and base promotions on merits.
No person shall be required to perform a job or service under threat of punishment or to perform it in a non-voluntary or forced manner. In addition, Variis Investments will advocate at all times for the observance of a maximum work schedule.
At Variis Investments, the selection and hiring of personnel is based on the capacity, professional experience and level of identification that candidates have with the values of the company.
The selection and hiring process is carried out with respect and without creating false expectations. In addition, it is adapted to the cultural and legal characteristics of each country.
Our company recognizes the right to freedom of association.
Our company places a high priority on complying with labor laws and regulations. The selection and hiring process is adapted to the cultural and legal characteristics of our country. We comply with applicable labor laws, avoiding forced labor or labor performed by minors at all times.
Variis Investments cannot accept any type of corruption, money laundering or any other type of illegal action such as bribery or other actions considered unethical. Any complaint of corruption will be investigated under the direction of our Compliance Officer and through the legally established channels, and we will take disciplinary measures in accordance with the statutory regime, Collective Agreement, labor legislation and the rest of the civil and commercial obligations that the worker with Variis Investments.
If it is a criminal act, Variis Investments will engage with the relevant authorities and fully cooperate in the legal proceedings.
Before dealing with third parties or intermediaries, we must ensure their good reputation and their willingness to comply with the provisions of our policies and procedures, as well as our Code of Ethics and Conduct.
The exchange of gifts and invitations between customers and suppliers is sometimes a legitimate way to build trust in commercial and business relationships. However, when it comes to gifts or entertainment in excessive or inappropriate amounts, they can serve to exert inappropriate influence and can constitute or appear to be bribes.
Exceptionally, it may be allowed to offer and/or accept gifts or invitations to/from clients/suppliers, when the following three conditions are met simultaneously:
Obliged subjects will reject or return the gifts or invitations offered that do not meet the above requirements, provided that this does not constitute a legal infringement and that it constitutes a serious offense for the person or entity offering, in which case the Compliance Officer .
All gifts, travel and entertainment expenses must be recorded in accordance with the laws and internal procedures of Variis Investments.
Under no circumstances is bribery and/or extortion allowed. If any person in the company is being the object of bribery and/or extortion in their work relationships, inside or outside the organization or knows the case of a third person in the company who is being the object of some kind of extortion and/or bribery, you should report it immediately to the Compliance Officer.
The development of trusting and mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers has contributed to the success of Variis Investments. For this reason, we seek that the relationship is always carried out with transparency, so that we ensure equal opportunities, respect and integrity.
Variis Investments strives to promote good practices in accordance with our Code of Ethics and Conduct. For this reason, we urge our suppliers to comply with the stipulations in the Code of Ethics and Conduct, recommending that they carry out their activities within the framework of current laws. A Compliance Committee created ad hoc and chaired by the Compliance Officer, will investigate, case by case, reports submitted for possible illegal or unethical activities, and if the evidence is found, the business relationship with the suppliers involved will be terminated.
One of the principles that move us at Variis Investments is respect for the agreements and commitments established in our contracts. We also respect the rights of intellectual and industrial property and therefore the staff cannot establish commercial relationships with contractors or suppliers that do not demonstrate that they are duly authorized to use or commercialize products and services subject to payment of royalties or intellectual property rights or industrial to third parties, as well as the authenticity and legality of these.
The purpose of Variis Investments is to be the best option for its clients, granting each one a professional and complete treatment while providing quality services and products in a timely manner and in the agreed place.
Also, at Variis Investments we seek to act in an innovative and proactive way to exceed the expectations of our clients, anticipate their needs and thereby ensure a lasting relationship of mutual benefit.
We seek that the promotions and sales arguments we use at Variis Investments are free of false information regarding the availability, delivery date or quality of our services, as well as the terms of sale including payment. We must offer our services honestly, simply and accurately. Employing deceptive or dishonest practices is a total violation of our Code of Ethics and Conduct and our values.
When choosing clients and / or markets, with the exception of legal restrictions, Variis Investments does not establish discriminatory differences of any kind, but rather selects its markets based on business criteria. Illegal discrimination is a violation of our code and free competition laws, so such acts will not be tolerated. If any illegal discrimination against a client or market is witnessed or suspected, the situation is immediately reported to the hierarchical superior, HR or the Compliance Officer.
We strive to promote the practice of the standards of our Code of Ethics and Conduct, encouraging our clients to comply with the stipulations of our Code so that they carry out their activities within the framework of the laws in force. For this reason, if we identify that a client is involved in illegal or unethical acts, we may terminate our relationship with him.
To create and maintain this trust and credibility between Variis Investments and its clients, our principle is to establish as a commitment only what we can fully comply with. If the agreed commitment is not made due to unforeseen circumstances, it is necessary for the person involved to inform their immediate superior and the client.
At Variis Investments we are dedicated to conducting all business activities with the highest ethical standards. In our effort to be better, our corporate values dictate that we can only achieve this through hard work and excellence in service.
Compliance with applicable laws is a fundamental part of our corporate values. This is particularly important in our compliance with antitrust legislation, which represents not only good business practice, but the lack of it can severely harm the company and its employees. Variis Investments has operations in many countries which have different antitrust laws and regulations, therefore, Variis Investments employees must ensure that all company activities are carried out in compliance with local laws and regulations and policies. own company. Variis Investments employees have the responsibility to inform our Compliance Officer of any current or potential improper business practices of which they become aware, as well as to consult with the finance department in case of any doubt about a specific practice or activity.
Competitive actions must always be justified by important business considerations. No deal should be made with our competitors that illegally restricts free trade. Examples of these types of illegal practices include price agreements, group boycotts and supply manipulation. In practically all countries, this type of agreement has serious legal and criminal consequences.
It is mandatory to consult the Compliance Officer before making, signing agreements and contracts that could violate laws or regulations on trade and competition.
Although some contacts with competitors are unavoidable and may be perfectly legitimate, it is important that if you have any doubts, you consult the Compliance Officer before making such contacts.
For example, when a competitor is at the same time a customer or supplier, it is appropriate to maintain a business relationship as one would with any other customer or supplier. The conversations should be limited to matters about the transaction in progress and it should be ensured that the person who attends the client is not also responsible for competing with him.
he surest way to avoid illegal agreements with competitors is to avoid attending meetings and communications unless it is clearly demonstrated that this type of contact has a purpose allowed by law.
If our company has or may have the power to dominate a market or geographic region, additional precautions must be taken to avoid tactics that could be construed as intent to exclude or harm present or potential competitors. Competitive actions must always be justified with solid business arguments. It is inappropriate to target a particular company or undertake efforts to eliminate a competitor from the business. Often times, the authorities use documents of the company itself (example: emails, notes or written notes), to prove illegal behavior. Therefore, to prevent any misinterpretation, the use of inappropriate or careless language in business documents should be avoided.
All the members of Variis Investments have the obligation to act honestly and ethically, always seeking to protect the interests of the company. Situations that could mean a conflict between personal interests and those of our company should be avoided.
Situations that involve a conflict of interest are not always obvious or easy to resolve. In the event of facing a real or potential conflict of interest, in our personal and professional relationships or activities that we carry out in the company, we are expected to face the situation in an ethical manner and in accordance with the provisions of our Code of Ethics and Conduct.
A conflict of interest may arise when the members of the company have private or personal interests that impair the fulfillment of their obligations independently and with integrity within the Company. Private or personal interests are understood as any possible agreement that results in the benefit of one's own, relatives, friends or acquaintances.
Therefore, Variis Investments cannot accept the existence of conflicts of interest between its employees, directors, administrators or partners. In this sense, it is expected that when personal and professional interests are contrary, the Compliance Officer or Head of Compliance will be informed of this situation through the internal channels established for this purpose, present and future.
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